Ms. Kaci Nowadley
Kaci Nowadley teaches science classes at Hamburg High School including AP Computer Science Principles, AP Biology, Chemistry and others. She started with a Computer Science Club for three years then the school picked up the AP CSP Class. The club has participated in high school “Capture the Flag” coding contest, an international online competition dealing with cryptography, algorithm design and programming. She is in the New York State Master Teachers program.

Ms. Susan Recoon
Williamsville North High School
Susan is a teacher from Williamsville North High School who has taught computer science for 23 out of her 28 years as a teacher. Currently she teaches Exploring Computer Science and AP Computer Science - Java, along with Common Core Algebra 2. Her students have worked on Web Design, Ruby Programing, along with programing Raspberry Pi boards, and App development. Personally, she would like to further expand her knowledge of web design by learning more SQL and PHP programming.

Ms. Pamela Healy
Pam Healy teaches Exploring Computer Science and AP Computer Science Principles at Nardin Academy, an all-girls school. She also runs a Computer Science Club at her school. She is interested in different ways to bring more women into computer science, and started attending CS4HS to find various approaches of teaching the students at the all-girls school.

John Elliott
John Elliott has been teaching Exploring Computer Science since 2016 at Sweet Home High School. He is one of the New York State Master Teachers. He first attended CS4HS workshop 2015. John has been using MIT Scratch programing in his computer classes. He is interested in learning Python as something that he can bring to future classes.

Mr. Paul Meyerhofer
Paul Meyerhofer teaches computer science including AP Computer Science Principles and AP Computer Science - Java at Saint Mary’s High School and runs a Computer Science Club there. Unlike most of the teachers, he started in the Computer Science, Information Technology Industry then became a teacher. Paul came to CS4HS to learn from the other teachers’ teaching techniques and different ways of teaching computer science.

Mr. Christopher Quill
Williamsville South High School.
Christopher Quill teaches math and computer science classes at Williamsville South High School, including Introduction to Programming and AP Computer Science Principles. In these courses, he teaches Visual Basic, C++, Python, JavaScript and web design. Mr. Quill also advises computer programming club where his students have been working with EggBot, an open-source art robot that can draw on eggs. He is interested in Android application development using Android Studio which he hopes to explore with his computer club soon. The students from his Computer Club participate in the CS4HS Student Project Showcase & Competition.

Dr. Orlando Buria
Orlando Buria is a Math and Science teacher at West Seneca Christian School and is currently sponsoring a Tech Club that focuses on programing. He has taught Game Design, Intro to Computer Science, and Visual Basic. He is currently working on his 7th degree, this one in computer information systems. He would like to establish more computer science classes for his school.

Mr. Alan Ingraham
Alan Ingraham is a STEM teacher at Lewiston Porter High School teaching AP Computer Science Principles along with Pre-Calculus and Statistics. He is one of the New York State Master teachers. He came to the CS4HS workshop to be more proficient at teaching computer science and using the resources found at code.org. Students of his CS Club developed games and apps that were presented at the Annual CS4HS Showcase and Competition.

Ms. Julie Johnson
Williamsville North High School.
Ms. Johnson is a Computer Science and Mathematics teacher at Williamsville North High School. She teaches the new AP Computer Science Principles course in her school.

Mr. John Dellellis
Williamsville East High School.
John DeLellis teaches engineering/technology education and a computer science class at Williamsville East High School. Mr. DeLellis teaches AP Computer Science Principals, Energy/aerospace, Automotive systems, and Introduction to woodworking. He is interested in incorporating devices like the raspberry pi into his technology classes. Students from his technology classes participate in the CS4HS showcase as well as the programming competition at St. Bonaventure.

Ms. Mary Ziewers
Hutchinson Central Technical School
Ms. Ziewers is a Computer Science Teacher at Hutchinson Central Technical School and has been teaching Computer Science 1 and other Computer Science courses for over 20 years. One of her goals is to introduce a variety of computer concepts and areas that students can explore. She also wants to make sure the students know enough about the various careers to make an informed decision when deciding what to study in college and eventually have as a career.

Mr. Robert Uldrich
Mr. Uldrich has been teaching Computer Science Principles at Kenmore East for 3 years. He also runs a Tech Club at the school. He has been participating in CS4HS workshops for two years and wants to learn more about AP Computer Science Principles content so that he may use it in his curriculum.

Dr. Elizabeth Kent
Dr. Kent is a mathematics teacher at Lafayette High School/Newcomer Academy. She has established an after school Computer Science Club called Computer Club.

Mr. Patrick McQuaid
Mr. Patrick McQuaid is a Biology teacher at Bennett High School. His goal is to integrate Computer Science Concepts into the 9th grade Biology curriculum. He is also involved with Bennett's Computer Club .

Ms. Susan Draper
The International Preparatory School
Susan Draper is a mathematics teacher at The International Preparatory High School. She is an advocate for computer science education in her school. She is currently in the process of setting up a computer science club in her school.

Mr. Brian Barrey
Hutchinson Central Technical School
Mr. Brian Barrey is a mathematics teacher at Hutchinson Central Technical School. He has established a computer science club called, Gaming Club.

Ms. Marcie A. McDougal-Domroes
Ms. Marcie McDougal-Domroes has been teaching Web Design at Cleveland Hill for over 15 years. She has been involved with CS4HS since 2012 and plans to continuously add to her knowledge of computer science so she will be able to teach more difficult computer science concepts.

Ms. Anne Marie Will
Ms. Anne Marie Will has been teaching computer science courses at Amherst Central High School. For over three years, she taught iComp2 - Intro to Computer to Programming. She has been involved with CS4HS since 2015 and has been able to provide ideas for her school's club, The Coding and Programming Group.